My heart within me groaned,
An emptiness—no, a longing—for fulfillment burned in my soul.
I ran, my did I run,
To every place I knew that would bring me comfort.
And, for awhile, I felt in control.
Some time elapsed, and the busyness I’d surrounded myself with
Shook itself loose from my life.
All that remained was a lost little girl,
Shivering from the insecurity she still possessed.
Why, dear God, do I run?
This little girl surely knows how to put on a mask for everyone else.
But You, Oh God, lovingly know me through and through.
You know my weaknesses, and You know my strengths;
You see me, all of me, and still embrace me with all Your heart.
I praise You, Lord! I give my life to You because You gave Your Son for me.
Oh let me always run to You God, to be held in Your warm embrace and never let go.