Allow me to take you to a place...
Have I been there? Oh yes. Did I take pictures? Of course. So why don't I simply show them to you? Ah, you see, I could. Maybe you 'd nod and agree that it is a wonderful place. But, since I love you and wish to truly share this place with you, I'm taking you with me.
Drive your car awhile. Sure, it's dark, rainy, and what some people would deem a good night to stay in. But you're anxious to get away. Keep driving, you'll get there! One highway sign. Is this the town? No. Sigh, Keep driving, you'll get there! Another sign. "Hollister: 10 miles." Almost there. At last you turn off the highway, and begin making your way to the historic district of town.
There it is--the cafe everyone has told you of! Sure this place can't be everything they've told you it was. But you step out of the car. The first thing you notice is light. Not a bright street light, but a warm glow, and it's coming from inside the cafe. Laughter, gleeful, relaxed laughter. It creates an ambiance that simply becomes a part of your experience. Walking up the old steps, you open the antique door, no knob, just an old handle...Inside, you're surprised to find the place small. Not stuffy, not Victorian, but small. This kind of small makes you just want to fold your arms tightly and drink in the place. Everything is rustic, one wall is lined with fine wine; a low doorway leads to a second room with three people chatting, and the other end, a high counter. The man on the stool quickly arises to take his place behind the register. You smile, walk up to the counter, and confidently order the latte that is you. Now, I said 'confidently.' I don't mean that you are bashful or unaccustomed to ordering an espresso. I mean confident, because for once you are confident that the barista smiling at you behind the counter knows exactly how to make your drink. No hesitations, no worries of being offensive or "snobby," You order it, and happily stuff his tip jar for a job you know will be well done. While your drink is in the making, you wonder around aimlessly, taking in the place. The people are different, yes, and perhaps not the most comfortable crowd you've ever been in. But isn't it refreshingly original? No soccer moms, no kids screaming, no teenage girls who want their "expresso drinks from Starbucks," no businessman sucking up the free Wi-Fi. You hear a a few thumps behind the counter. Ah, how forgetful! This barista really is making you an authentic latte. A smile lights up your face that goes all the way to your insides! He's almost finished, just a few more adjustments, then he smiles and hands you the latte you've dreamed of for ages. Take a sip. Mmmm...the espresso, that strong-almost bitter- taste of espresso. Oh how lazy your taste buds have been!
Now that you have your drink in hand, it's time to do more exploring. Take one last look at the creativity around you, and step out into the night. The tables on the porch still host the friendly laughter and light conversation. But look a little farther, past the porch. Lights, little yellow lights. What could be back there? Making your way off the porch to the other side of the shop, you see not just a few lights, but long, graceful strips of lights contrasting the dark of the night. What is this place? As you walk up the steps leading to the lights, you are surrounded by beauty. Wildflowers grow in random places out of the cracked stone floor. Metal tables are sprinkled about the place. More gentle laughter. The light strings atop this...courtyard, yes, it must be a courtyard, they are perfect. You feel covered, but not stifled. The night sky is brilliant with God's own magnificent stars adding to the experience. You take a seat in the corner. Sure, the rain has dampened it a bit, but what does that matter? Take in a deep breath, and enjoy this place. Once again you notice the flowers around you. Looking more closely however, you realize these grow wild. No one tends to them. The wild green bunches add to the mystery of the courtyard, and you feel a part of it. "Wow," you think, "Can this place really be?" Drink in every bit of it, my friend, ever bit! Surrounded by all of this lovely, your heart is reminded of God. "Oh, dear God, why have you made this place for me? Everything is just so wonderful, and it floods my heart with joy!"
So, do you feel like you were there? :) I most certainly hope so, my friend! And I pray that as God takes you to places like these, that He moves you. Not in a forceful way, but in the way that a lover romances his beloved.
Walk with God, my friend, walk with God!
Have I been there? Oh yes. Did I take pictures? Of course. So why don't I simply show them to you? Ah, you see, I could. Maybe you 'd nod and agree that it is a wonderful place. But, since I love you and wish to truly share this place with you, I'm taking you with me.
Drive your car awhile. Sure, it's dark, rainy, and what some people would deem a good night to stay in. But you're anxious to get away. Keep driving, you'll get there! One highway sign. Is this the town? No. Sigh, Keep driving, you'll get there! Another sign. "Hollister: 10 miles." Almost there. At last you turn off the highway, and begin making your way to the historic district of town.
There it is--the cafe everyone has told you of! Sure this place can't be everything they've told you it was. But you step out of the car. The first thing you notice is light. Not a bright street light, but a warm glow, and it's coming from inside the cafe. Laughter, gleeful, relaxed laughter. It creates an ambiance that simply becomes a part of your experience. Walking up the old steps, you open the antique door, no knob, just an old handle...Inside, you're surprised to find the place small. Not stuffy, not Victorian, but small. This kind of small makes you just want to fold your arms tightly and drink in the place. Everything is rustic, one wall is lined with fine wine; a low doorway leads to a second room with three people chatting, and the other end, a high counter. The man on the stool quickly arises to take his place behind the register. You smile, walk up to the counter, and confidently order the latte that is you. Now, I said 'confidently.' I don't mean that you are bashful or unaccustomed to ordering an espresso. I mean confident, because for once you are confident that the barista smiling at you behind the counter knows exactly how to make your drink. No hesitations, no worries of being offensive or "snobby," You order it, and happily stuff his tip jar for a job you know will be well done. While your drink is in the making, you wonder around aimlessly, taking in the place. The people are different, yes, and perhaps not the most comfortable crowd you've ever been in. But isn't it refreshingly original? No soccer moms, no kids screaming, no teenage girls who want their "expresso drinks from Starbucks," no businessman sucking up the free Wi-Fi. You hear a a few thumps behind the counter. Ah, how forgetful! This barista really is making you an authentic latte. A smile lights up your face that goes all the way to your insides! He's almost finished, just a few more adjustments, then he smiles and hands you the latte you've dreamed of for ages. Take a sip. Mmmm...the espresso, that strong-almost bitter- taste of espresso. Oh how lazy your taste buds have been!
Now that you have your drink in hand, it's time to do more exploring. Take one last look at the creativity around you, and step out into the night. The tables on the porch still host the friendly laughter and light conversation. But look a little farther, past the porch. Lights, little yellow lights. What could be back there? Making your way off the porch to the other side of the shop, you see not just a few lights, but long, graceful strips of lights contrasting the dark of the night. What is this place? As you walk up the steps leading to the lights, you are surrounded by beauty. Wildflowers grow in random places out of the cracked stone floor. Metal tables are sprinkled about the place. More gentle laughter. The light strings atop this...courtyard, yes, it must be a courtyard, they are perfect. You feel covered, but not stifled. The night sky is brilliant with God's own magnificent stars adding to the experience. You take a seat in the corner. Sure, the rain has dampened it a bit, but what does that matter? Take in a deep breath, and enjoy this place. Once again you notice the flowers around you. Looking more closely however, you realize these grow wild. No one tends to them. The wild green bunches add to the mystery of the courtyard, and you feel a part of it. "Wow," you think, "Can this place really be?" Drink in every bit of it, my friend, ever bit! Surrounded by all of this lovely, your heart is reminded of God. "Oh, dear God, why have you made this place for me? Everything is just so wonderful, and it floods my heart with joy!"
So, do you feel like you were there? :) I most certainly hope so, my friend! And I pray that as God takes you to places like these, that He moves you. Not in a forceful way, but in the way that a lover romances his beloved.
Psalm 139:6
O Lord, You have searched me and known me.
You understand my thought afar off,
And are acquainted with all my ways.
But behold, O Lord, You know it altogether.
And laid Your hand upon me.
It is high, I cannot attain it.
Walk with God, my friend, walk with God!